Hei! =) En ole päivittänyt sivua pitkään aikaan koska minulle on tehty akuutti sappileikkaus. Mutta nyt olen päässyt kotia ja olo tuntuu paremmalta joka päivä.
Tällähetkellä olen surffaillut ja ihaillut Susan Lordin ihania Willow Tree patsaita. Hänen patsailla on aina tarkoitus tai ajatelma takana ja patsaan mukana tulee myös pieni teksti. Tällainen ensimmäinen minulla on jo kotona vitriinikaapissa ja olen muutamia erinlaisia ostanut ystäville lahjoiksi.
Treasuring a rare, quiet and tender moment of motherhood
I tried to capture a quiet moment in time, since they are so rare when you have a young child. At that age, about 18 months — they're their own little person — with a defined personality separate from your own. This is one rare and tender moment together — in sync with each other.
Child of my Heart
Child of the world, into my heart you came. Bringing sun into my life, making family our name.
Hold dear the promise of love
I carved this piece so that it could be viewed ‘in the round’. You get a different understanding depending on how you turn the piece. If you view from the side where you can see the man and woman's arms around each other, it looks like they're kissing. If you turn it and view it from where you can see their faces and clasped hands, it looks like they're dancing — and it's a totally different piece. I like this duality of interpretation.

Together, our family is home
Angel of Miracles